The abbreviation of DFSK is DongfengSokon Co Ltd. The birth of DFSK was around 2004 from DFM (Dongfeng Motor Group). DFM is a Chinese Automotive Brand(State Owned) and it was formed in 1969. Another one is Sokon Group which is a Chinese Automotive brand(Private Owned) with its core business of engines and new energy vehicles with a complete industrial chain covering independent R&D, manufacturing, sales, and service and service of automobiles, engines, and spare parts.
With 500 companies DFSK has now reached global fortune and has listed itself among one of China “BIG THREE” vehicle manufacturers. Eight manufacturing sites are operated through DFSK with its major plant. They are situated within China and Indonesia to cater to the majority of Southeast Asia, along with 6 plants within China with several others around the world which have R & D distributed across China, Germany, Japan, and the USA. The name and fame of DFSK have spread throughout the world and exporting vehicles record as well as sales are proof of it. Since 2005, the company has exported vehicles to more than 70 countries and regions and has reached cumulative sales of over 7 million units. Sales have been recently thriving in premium markets of Latin America, Spain, and Germany along with a very strong growth focus on Europe and Asian markets.
Dong Feng have been serving the United Nations and several military forces around the world with their world-class military vehicles, trucks, and special security vehicles. DFSK is the first in the Chinese mini auto industry to attain the European Technical Standard Certification since 2012 and it has been ranked no 1 for export in the Chinese mini auto industry. DFSK is now on its promising expedition to becoming the leader of the compact passenger vehicle industry.